
HOusemanShip! where and which is best place to serve for?

i believe most  (some) of final year students have d conflict to choose where to 'sink' your ship, perhaps not for d rest of your life, but at least 2 years on d run. many factors in choosing and deciding which hospital u will be doing your housemanship. this 2 years are known-to-all the most challenging period of the never-ending lifeNOTless career of a doctor.

here are some factors u might need to look into;

1. first and foremost of course your darling sweet family members
this may contribute around 90% of D-factor in choosing d place. especially for those who are married this certainly your best priority in making decision. but for those whom doesn't have special commitments, being near to your family is a good thing. though you might have no time in taking care of your parents, surely they will take care of you during these hard time of yours.

if u choose the latter, u might want to consider d tertiary hospitals, where all the referrals are made. this will include most all of the hospitals in the city. Though lots of people suggest d east malaysian hospitals are the best place for practical purposes, but there are quite plenty of hospitals in West Malaysian which provide good clinical experience for you. some of my friends had to work extended hours and attend 4 wards alone in one night, being able to do appendicectomy, peritoneal dialysis, etc in which certain hospital won't allow you to even do referrals letter. As you prefer to learn more, not just doing paperwork-clerk-job, just choose any hospital NOT in KL and Selangor.

as for money, high allowance are provided to those who work in rural areas. REMINDER, SABAH AND SARAWAK are not as 'rural' as you thought it is, especially the city, the rent for a small 2-rooms apartment is > RM1000 monthly. the cost of living is much higher there. so the extra allowance u got will somehow go to your daily expenses, flight ticket and etc.

these might be a FEAR FACTOR to some. as far as i'm concerned, u will always be penalized if u did big blunder mistake despite how good your specialist are. they say some hospital whom the specialist are younger, they tend to be nicer. how far is the truth am not very sure. =) but, here some hospitals which have most nicest staff, ( i'm not saying other hospital does'nt have good hospitality, is just that what others have experienced) lol

a) Hospital Tunku Fauziah, Kangar
b) Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab (II), Kota Bharu
c) Hospital Tawau, Sabah
d) Hospital Batu Pahat
e) some hospital in Sabah Sarawak. and districts hospitals

4. Where you wish to work after Housemanship.
hm, for those who wish to settled in a place, just don't choose hospital in KUALA LUMPUR or SELANGOR or u will be 'thrown out' to other rural areas. as most MO will need to serve in Klinik Kesihatan, those whom wish to work in hospital, need to be excellent during housemanship years, as you might been given a recommendation letter from d specialist of the hospital.

afterall, it's your choice bebeh where u wish to work and serve your nation. back to when u first choose medicine, despite being forced by parents to do medicine, it's our duty to make a better health and good quality of life of d patients came to you. LIFEnotLESS. color it yourself. ^-^


fuh fuh! berhabuk dah!
in d midst of exam and soon soon soon i will get to work! 
happy ke nk kje eh? mestila TAK! hahaa~

first year jakun masuk dissection hall

zaman innocent-first-time-pegang-stethoscope


the price that i have to pay for.

price i need to pay. for what? for being happy!

i was 48 kg last october. n to d date of 15th of june 2010. i'm proudly announce i gained *kgs! argghhhh~~

ummi pun ckp saya makin gemuk! macam mana nak pakai baju cantik ni? --->


saya happy!

saya tak pasti kenapa saya happy. mungkin tiada perkara yg harus difikirkan lately? heeee~ =DD

tapi~ orang ckp, jgn happy sgt. kadang2. dia nak uji kita sebenarnya. ok. behave. behave please. =D

An Najm : 43 " dan Dia yang menjadikan manusia tertawa dan menangis"


alhamdulillah! =))

saya mahu lompat setinggi2nya!! alhamdulillah. at last, 6bulan itu ends. but, the 6months which i treasure most being a medical student. heee~ i'm happy! i guess, itu hikmahnya d 6months kot. =)

thnx to all of you. g-r! congrats every1! we made it!! ^_^



m afraid to take d risk because m not ready to be in pain. again. heee~



kecewa. cuak. knapa? practical td mcm ape je. huuu~
sorry people, korang terpksa berusaha legakan kecuakan aku. hehehe.
careless mistakes sgt byk.
tawakkal allallah.